oh man, an entire paragraph? for me? jesus christ, that's a lot of responsability. i love rambling tho.
hey, what's up. i'm the guy who coded this website. i draw, i write stories, i code (badly but i do it), and i mainly listen to music but sometimes i write some too, otherwise i just kind of lay there and wait until something happens.
when not sitting on my bed hunched over my laptop like a madman, i'm busy studying. i'm a theater student. i LOVE what i study, FINALLY!
i'm a very awkward talker but i love getting emails and talking about stuff. so if you wanna chat, hit me up at automaticcomfort (at) gmail.com. or, if you have a tumblr, i can be found at @automaticcomfort. see ya :-]
I go by like, 300 names online. some of you may know me as:
my pronouns are he/him and it/its. i Do not go by they/them in any way Whatsoever
Can speak both french and english !!
AC's favorite bands change often but include a safe rotation of: (In no particular order)
and honestly a lot more but I'm trying to keep the list short
its favorite movies range from / to:
sighs really loud. guys i have to confess i actually have some slight music elitist i've-known-them-before-you traits... or a lot of 'em. i promise i don't mean to be annoying when i talk about it
creature feature - may 25th 2018 stolen babies - june 2nd 2018 tub ring - october 8th 2018 will wood - sometime in may/june 2019 tally hall - late june 2019 self - august 2019
also i've been watching feldup since september 8th 2018. yeah yeah.
thank you for listening to me. did you know i met will wood
on a discord server way way ba
I'm a huge musical theatre nerd. Here are my favorite musicals, thank you.