Links to more stuff! - Reduces file sizes and give pictures a cool effect, imagine posterization if it looked cool. - This website saved me and my coding countless times, everyone say 'Thank You W3Schools'. Tons and tons of html/css (and more!) tutorials. - Something that IS super handy-dandy when you remember it exists. Hopefully, now that it's there, i'll remember it does.

Visual Studio Code - If you were wondering on what I coded this website, there it is! The default Neocities editor can only do so much. You can even download a preview plugin to... preview your site as you code it! How cool is that? - Flash emulator! Finally you can play old flash games you downloaded from the Internet Archive! Or use it on your site to play .swf files, that works too.

Internet Archive - Most of my inspiration for the website came from looking at old band websites through this. Give it a try if you haven't already, it's tons of fun. - Website where you can find lots of fonts, organized in many categories.

Cbox - If you were wondering where people got their chatboxes, this is where. A tutorial to add it onto your site is available there, too.

Cool websites!

Off Neocities

Blablaland - Remake of the game I played the most in between 2012 and 2017. Entirely in French. Everything is the same as it was in the past :D friend me, I'm autocomfrt

Minecraft Classic - Imagine having a really, really old version of Minecraft directly in your browser... That's exactly what this is.

vgperson translations - Games translated to english by vgperson! Mainly linking this for the Beautiful list of classic horror RPG games (including Misao, Ib, Mad Father, The Witch's House, etc.).

Memories of Fear translations - Now retired game translation team, mainly focused on horror RPG games. These ones won't be as famous, which is great if you wanna discover more games.